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Take Action to Protect Climate Funding in the Federal Budget

As our beloved communities face growing threats from climate change through rising temperatures, wildfires, smoke hazards, rising sea levels, and environmental injustice, Congress is struggling to pass a budget and fund the government.

As people of faith, we believe budgets are moral documents. Our faith traditions call us to care for our neighbors and to protect our climate for current and future generations. We must do all we can to secure strong funding levels for climate action and environmental justice, while also protecting our neighbors who are most at-risk. Communities impacted by toxic pollution must have the resources they need to maintain access to clean air and water.

Please urge your Members of Congress to fund the government, AND protect critical climate and environment funding. 

The next page will direct you to a message you can send your Members of Congress. Please be sure to personalize your message by adding in your town and house of worship. 

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